--- "Steve C. Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Want to do the same with a "pure" WM.  Step 1: open a CLI.  Step
> 2: enter
> the command name.  Step 3: close the CLI.  Step 4: realize I forgot
> &! at the
> end of the command.  Step 5: reopen CLI.  Step 6: type in the command
> name and
> &!.  Step 7: close CLI.

Yup -- and therein lies the difference between the two.
>     Want to do the same with a "pure" WM.  Step 1: open a CLI.  Step
> 2: CD to
> the right directory.  Step 2a: create it if it doesn't exist.  Step
> 3: Fire up
> the editor on the right text file.  Step 3a: create it if it doesn't
> exist.
> Step 4: try to find the right location for the menu.  Step 5: Enter
> the
> configuration information in the proper format.  Step 6: Save and
> exit editor.
> Step 7: exit CLI.  Step 8, this is my faborite...  RESTART THE WM SO
> LOAD THE NEW CONFIGURATION!  Step 9: Pray for no typos or redo 1-8.

Sure -- but at least doing it that way means you yourself have defined
how it is to operate, rather than relying on the existing operability
of what's available.  I have no doubt that right-clicking (or whatever)
on XFCE's panel thing to add a new button is intuitive to some -- but
so what?  What if I didn't like that?  What if I wanted to do it some
other way?  With a WM I would have to define all of these things myself
(to a lesser or greater extent, depending on the WM) -- but the
advantage is that I took the time to do it myself, so I _know_ how it
works, and what to expect.
>     Yes, I am fully aware of the power behind text configuration.  I
> however
> am not about to put on the blinders and say that all configuration
> should be
> done through text and that text is appropriate for all configuration.

In certain circumstances I agree.

>  Basic
> configuration should be provided in a simple manner.  WMs don't do
> that.

Simple manner?  That's subjective.

> > No, it's the exact, and proper definition.
>     And yet it performs hardly any of the fuctions attributed to DEs
> like
> KDE/GNOME or Winders. 

It still provides inherent look and feel across those applications that
XFCE supports.

-- Thomas Adam

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