Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

n Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Debian User Leonard
Chatagnier wrote:

Many changes were made in the configuration files to no avail.  The
current configuration files and errer messages are below: (Note: I
have pon working on sarge now but can't remember how I got it now.)
Thanks for any help. I've struggled long and hard and can't make any
progress on wedial although its probably a somple oversight.

If pon and kppp work, why is it such a problem that wvdial doesn't work?
Dear Bill,
Not to sound snippy, but its broke. I can't stand things to be broke and
being so, it may cause other things to break.  Wvdial is my prefered

Arg! Your email system (or something) consistently mangles quoting. In
the above, it looks like you've written the questions that were asked by
Bill, and then you've responded.
Exactly, he didn't copy my email address as requested so I
copied his reply from the web list and added my answers in my reply.
This was noted in a PS to him requesting he copy my email address.

What are the permissions on "/etc/wvdial.conf"?
ChatagnierL-Home:/etc/ppp/peers# ls -l /etc/wvdial.conf
-rwxrwxrwt  1 root root 212 Jun 26 11:04 /etc/wvdial.conf
I changed these from original defaults with chmod a+rwx
as noted in my post.  The "t" at the end was "T" originally
and I don't know the meaning of either.

Also, do you have a "/.wvdialrc" file in your home directory?
No, looked for it before.  It's not there.

If all else looks right, rename "/etc/wvdial.conf" and run wvdial again;
what's the results? Depending on those results, you might want to
manually create a new "/etc/wvdial.conf" (without copy/paste, in case
there's a hidden character in the original or something else oddball).
Duh.  Little confused here.  I'll let you see that I don't have the
/.wvdialrc file first and see your reply before I rename /etc/wvdial.conf
and run wvdial again.  I think that's what you wanted and ment.  Also,
what about the other two wvdials in /etc/x11/ and in /home/lchata, rename
them too?

Thanks for jumping in.  I appreciate it.

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