Yves Arrouye writes:
> The fact that nvi (does not) displays diacritic characters has nothing
> to do with the fonts, just to what isprint() returns. I had it work
> under Linux using a Slackware 3.0 distribution.

Plain Slackware? I thought my Slackware would do that too until I discoverd
that tcsh in Slackware is ocmpiled to simulate NLS.

> typing diacritic characters tells they are not printable with LANG set
> to ISO-8859-1 :-( Is it a bug in the libc5 used with 1.1? A bug with
> me? In any case, it's annoying...

It's not a bug. You simply don't have the locale installed. It works fine
for me since I installed the Gemrman NLS.


Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
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