Ian Jackson said:
> Yes.  cron needs to have savelog removed.

ok. So what happens when I install the new cron, and /usr/bin/savelog isn't in
it? Won't dpkg remove it, since /usr/bin/savelog has been removed from

Could be trouble...

> > Also, I notice that at did not properly update /etc/crontab. I was left with
> > the following entry:
> > 
> > * * * * *   root    atrun -d 0.5
> > 
> > Rather than what should have been added:
> > 
> > * * * * *   root    atrun -d -l 0.5
> > 
> > I'm not terribly familiar with perl, so I don't know why the at.postinst
> > script didn't work.
> This has been fixed in the most recent at package, I believe.

As of version 2.9a-11, it hasn't. The perl script seems to try and fix it, but
didn't quite manage to do it on my system (which was 0.93R6). I believe the
maintainer of the package is looking into it.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~barkers/   (under construction)

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