I can't quite get nfs going for some reason.  I had it going quickly
under the 1.2 kernel (i have 2 machines sitting here).

I uncommented everything in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs.  I added / to
exports.  I added ALL: .iastate.edu to hosts.allow.

ANd the two machines give me different errors  . . .

trying to mount from one, 

# mount -t nfs /server/
mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered

THe other (the .38 machine)  reports during boot that 
/etc/init.d/rc: /etc/rc2.d/S25netstd_nfs: permission denied.

however, it will mount .40's file system without complaint.
Unfortuneately, it is the other direction that is important . . .

What i need to figure out, in addition to getting them talking, is the
turning of one into a server for the other.

WHen these machines start getting replaced, we'll be able to grab them
for grad students as linux boxes as xterminals.  THey'll generally be
8mb (after cannibalizing another, or buying 4mb).  SOme (most?) will get
a second 80mb drive.

SO I need to come up with a base configuration that gets 16mb of swap,
and installs x in the remainder, followed by an allocation for the next
80mb that adds more useful stuff, followed by finding the rest on the
file system.

SO i need to configure paths so that both the second drive & the file
server mount into the original structure.  I'm not qiiiite sure how to
do this.  Can I mount another device as read only into the original file

And has anyone ever dealt with mounting AFS (mit's athena) to interact
with our worksations file system?

Finally, we have departmental servers for our dos/windows machines.
would mounting these be practical?  it seems possible somehow from the
kernal configuration questions.

which leaves the miscellaneous piece: how would i install packages into
a non-standard place (ie, the server?).

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