> I ran into this problem again today; python requires tk40
> and tcl74, which is fine if you want to use tkinter, but
> I don't, at this point.  I would try to appease it, but
> unfortunately I only have tk41 and tcl75.
> [...] but it would be nicer if there was some system that could
> disable/enable features in packages.  [...]
> The other solution is to just have a bunch of different python
> packages for whatever system, but that's not as Neat.

The latest revision of the python package splits off all the non-core
features into dynamically loadable modules that are available as
separate packages.  I've been holding off on uploading it until after
the 1.1 release for fear of breaking things with the packaging

With regard to your other point (about disabling/enabling features in
packages), I'd argue that the existing packaging system works just
fine for that sort of thing, and that all we need are better tools for
managing collections of sub-packages as a group, somewhat akin to the
hierarchy of checkboxes you get when you install software on Windows
or Machintosh machines.  But then again talk is cheap unless I somehow
find time to implement something like that for debian.

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