Tim>  Does anyone know how to get diald to work? I'm almost there; I can
  Tim> get it to do it's thing, dial, connect to my ISP, start sending data,
  Tim> but after about 30 seconds, diald kills pppd, and reports that it has
  Tim> timed out waiting for ppp to connect. :/ Since I was in the middle of
  Tim> receiving an html document from the web, I'd say it's safe to assume
  Tim> that pppd was already connected.  Anyone got any ideas how I can cure
  Tim> this VERY annoying problem?

Diald can be configured to do almost everything. Using it "out of the box"
with Eric Schenk's original /etc/diald.conf as packaged for Debian, I also
noticed that I could die after some seconds, claiming inactivity.

You can either modify to diald.conf so that it always stays up longer. What
I did was to add a this to /etc/ppp/ip-up 

        # send a couple of pings
        ping -c 20 -s 2048 -i 15 my.isp.provider >/dev/null

Recently, I created a fifo /etc/diald.fifo, set the option
        fifo /etc/diald.fifo 
in /etc/diald.options and wrote the following script to issue commands as
        $ dial force
etc. This is quite handy as a one-command interface for other scripts.

Hope this helps, Dirk

----------------- /usr/local/bin/dial ---------------------------------------
# dial --- communicate via fifo `/etc/diald.fifo' with the diald daemon
# edd   12 Jul 96

if [ $# -ne 1 ] 
        echo "Usage: dial <command>"
        exit 1
case "$1" in
    echo $1 >> /etc/diald.fifo
    echo "Unknown (or unsupported) command: $1"
    exit 1

exit 0


Dirk Eddelb"uttel                             http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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