(Follow-up only to debian-user. Please don't write to debian-devel and
debian-user at the same time.)

  Shaya Potter writes:
  Shaya>  I just installed fileutils 3.13-3, and now my 'ls' is screwed up.
  Shaya> I removed color-ls as it said I was supposed to.  I remember reading
  Shaya> about how color-ls is now included in fileutils.  However there is
  Shaya> no color-ls file in my /usr/bin directory anymore, there is a
  Shaya> dircolors file though, doing a dpkg -S dircolors tells me its from
  Shaya> the fileutils package.  Why did fileutils install dircolors and not
  Shaya> color-ls?  Am I missing something here?

You are missing a discussion we had about a ago on this. I append my mail
below. Erick added documentation to fileutils-3.13-3, you can find it in

>From edd Wed Jul 31 11:19:20 -0400 1996
To: Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org, Erick Branderhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: color ls

  Mark Phillips writes:
  Mark>  Hi, Something has happened to stop ls giving color output.  I used
  Mark> to be able to just run:
  Mark> eval `dircolors`
  Mark> and ls would work in color - even without specifying the "--color"
  Mark> option.  (And no, ls was not aliased)                

Oh yes, it was aliased to do that. Just start the dircolors (the old one from
the color-ls package, that is) from the shell and you'll see.

  Mark> Now it seems I need to type "ls --color" to get color?

The old dircolors created the LS_COLORS env variable with your colour
selection the default or specified rc file _and_ created the aliases.
Now it only builds LS_COLORS so that I changed the code in
/usr/local/etc/profile (which I source from /etc/profile) to      

    eval `dircolors -b /usr/local/etc/colour-ls.rc`
    alias ls='ls --color=auto ';
    alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical';
    alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long';
    alias d=dir;
    alias v=vdir;
    alias ols='/bin/ls '

Before, I only needed the "eval 'dircolors -b <resourcefile>`" line and the
aliases were built automagically (the format was slightly different, though,
there was also --8-bit or some such).

  Mark> What is the problem?  I've changed a number of things of late - moved
  Mark> from tcsh to bash (but same thing happens in both shells), and
  Mark> upgraded a number of packages.  So I don't know what has caused the
  Mark> change.  Any ideas anyone?

Your upgrade to the newest fileutils package which replaced the now redundant
color-ls package.

Erick, is there a way that you can persuade/hack dircolors to do what the old
one did? Or put a note in the package to ease transition? 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                             http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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