Ricardo Kleemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That's wonderful!
> Now will Linux implement anything greater than RAID0? 
> Would you say your performance is significantly increased with striping?
> How many drives can be striped?

That I don't know.  I'm not sure there's a (small) limit.  I didn't
find one in a cursory glance of the manpage for mdadd, or in a
similarly cursory look at the stuff in /usr/doc/mdutil.  md just
groups a number of physical disk partitions into one logical one,
/dev/md*.  Then you treat /dev/md* as the actual device, and you can
mkswap it, mke2fs it, whatever.  It doesn't state any limitations on
the number of partitions that can be added to a /dev/md*.  Note though
that with RAID0, you can't add more partitions after you have data on
an md device, and you have to create the device in exactly the same
fashion every time.  Normally this happens at boot from /dev/mdtab.


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