On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Heiko R. Selber wrote:
> > [ Problems with dselect ]

> > I am slowly approaching the point where I expect a
> > "general protection violation(TM)" from Debian.
> > I consider this a bad sign.

Sorry, I forgot to label this as 'funny'.

> Well, don't judge Debian by dselect. Dselect is the product of one mind
> and has, in my estimation, severe user interface problems.

I disagree. DO judge Debian by dselect. To the debian-newbie, dselect is
the first thing you see (thus, for the moment it IS Debian) and if it
doesn't do what it should, it will intimidate new users (maybe forever). 

But don't we all want to spread the REAL OS throughout the world?

I admit that an OS doesn't have to be foolproof, but there is no reason
that it shouldn't be user-friendly. Why not sit in front of your computer,
insert some disks, follow some instructions and end up with Linux running? 
(Yes, I know that Debian has come quite close to this, but IMHO not close

> You can use dpkg at the prompt. Just cd to the directory with the package
> you wish to install and type: 
> dpkg -i packagename*.deb
> Let me know if this releaves your frustration ;-)

Yes, thanks, I feel much better now. Only that I prefer not having to work
around bugs (most of the time :o)

Heiko Selber (Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin)   | Vs lbh pna ernq guvf       |
http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/~selber         | lbh unir jnfgrq lbhe gvzr. |
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              | Urvxb Fryore               |
Phone:+49-30-8413-4574, Fax:+49-30-8413-4686 |____________________________|

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