I'm trying to use lyx, and it works fine untill it invokes latex. Then it 
seems to be using some fonts that I have not installed. Where can I find those 
fonts (listed below)? Acording to /usr/doc/lyx/debian.README.gz, ther should 
also excist "* several manpages", of which I can find non. I am using the 
0.9.21-1 vesrion from the stable directory, butI have also tried the unstable without success.

Here is the missfont.log file:

MakeTeXTFM dcr1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr1440.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx1440.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx1728.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcsx1728.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcsx2488.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr1200.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx1200.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx0800.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr0900.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr0600.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr0700.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcti1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcti0700.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcr0800.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcit1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dctt0800.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dccc1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcsl1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbx0700.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dcbi1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dctt1000.tfm 
MakeTeXTFM dctt1000.tfm 

 Name:      Hakan Ardo
 WWW:       HTTP://www.ub2.lu.se/~hakan/sig.html
 Interests: WWW, Programming, 3D graphics

 Thought for the day: As long as one understands, the
 spelling does not matter :-)

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