On Sat, 7 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:
> You may be giving the module the wrong argument (for that version, at
> least).  Try "modprobe cdu31 cdu31a=0x340,5" . Also, add ",PAS" to that
> if you are using the CD connector on a Pro Audio Spectrum card. 
Until now i tried installation maybe 8 or 9 times, maybe more (i didn't
count). Everything went fine but the cdu31a doesn't become recognized in
no way whatever i do. I tried so far:

1.) At booting of the install boot disk:

    Adding parameter as "cdu31a=0x340,5", naturally without the `"' and as
    i don't have a PAS i didn't pass any information about one to the
    kernel. As a variation i put a few times "cdu31a=0x340,05" but this
    was not very succesful either.

2.) After installation of the base system via the setup screen as offered
    by the debian install:

    I choose CDU-31-A as CD drive module and tried to install it with the
    parameters "0x340,5". Output: "Initialisation of cdu31a failed." 
3.) After reboot of the system with the newly installed kernel from a
    custom boot disk:

    I tried installion of the module with "insmod cdu31a" but again the
    only output was just "Initialisation of cdu31a failed."

In /dev there is no entry "cdu31a" to be found and trying to execute
"./MAKEDEV cdu31a" yields a "Don't know how to make /dev/cdu31a" or
something similar (I'm not at home right now to check the exact strings). 

I don't understand this by no means. I'll try the way you wrote, Bruce,
but i suspect there is a typo in your prescription? Shouldn't it better be
"modprobe cdu31a cdu31a=0x340,5"? 
I don't have a PAS and use the interface card provided by Sony. Maybe i
should tell the kernel definitely that there is no PAS at all with
something like "PAS=0"?
                                          Thank you, Paul *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

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