Martin Budsj| wrote:
> >My /var/log/nmb* log files are a mixture of the following lines:
> >
> >more than one master browser!
> >connect error: Connection refused
> >Domain=[workgroup] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.16alpha10]
> >Domain=[workgroup] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.15p4]
> >
> Looks like you are running both 1.9.15p4 AND 1.9.16alpha10. How many
> nmbd processes is there? Only one i hope...

One of four machines in "workgroup" was sunning Samba 1.9.15p4 while the
rest were running Samba 1.9.16alpha10.  I recently upgraded that last
machine to run Samba 1.9.16alpha10 as well, but it didn't help.  Smbd
processes are still chewing up tons of CPU on each samba host.

There is only one nmbd process running on each host.


Behan Webster
(613) 224-7547  or page me at (613) 2~4-7547

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