Ok, here's the problem folks.

1. The only computer in our LAN that has access to the Internet is a 
Win95 system, so it can't run DNS.

2. Smail and Sendmail on all the Debian boxes tell me they can't 
deliver mail without DNS.

3. I've tried every combination known to man, for the configuration 
of DNS on any of the Debian boxes, and I just can't get it to work.

I seems like this would be easy, but I'm not even sure it's possible. 
This is what I want to do.
The Win95 box is connected to the Internet and handles mail 
transfers, the DNS for the mail server is my ISP.  I want to set up a 
Debian box to run as a listserver,  getting mail from the mail server 
and sending all mail to the mail server to be sorted and delivered as 
it sees fit.  I don't want the Debian box to have any outbound mail 
logic at all, it is to blindly send all mail to the Win95 box, and 
let it figure it out.  The other option is to run a local DNS server 
on one of the Debian boxes (for my LAN only), so smail will be able 
to find out where it is to send it's mail, but I can't seem to get 
DNS to work without Internet access.  Our final goal is to have one 
of the Debian boxes work as a router and DNS for the local net it 
will have a ISDN connection to the Inet, but I have to be sure all 
this will work before I make the changes.

My e-mail address is  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please send mail to me direct, instead of to the list.  I will give 
FREE homepage and ftp space to anyone that can help me fix there 

Thank You 
Tim Trimble

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