From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clemmitt Sigler)
Subject: Re: rescue disk set
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Distribution: world
Followup-To: linux.debian.user
Keywords: linux,fsck,hard,drive

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Brian C. White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|> > Last night, my aging micropolis 1.5 gig drive decided to scramble itself.
|> > "Self," I think, "Just boot up off the boot and root disks, and fsck the
|> > root partition back into order."
|> > Found that the root inode is gone due to sectors
|> > 0,1,2, and 3 being NFG.. time to re-lowlevel and pray...
|> I was just thinking the same the other day.
|> --
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I recently had the same problem -- my Linux root partition on my hard
drive went wonkers while I was running Linux.  I did a whereis to try
to find some binary, but it never returned.  I couldn't start an xterm.
I went to the text consoles, but I couldn't log on.  Everything just
hung.  The "three finger salute" didn't work, either.  I had no choice
but to push the reset button.

Linux wouldn't boot.  My rescue package has fsck, so I fsck'ed the
partition.  First time it had alot of errors, second time I think just 3.
Now there's still one error I can't get rid of.  When I try to boot from
the root partition, some process that tries to start dies, and then the
kernel(?) keeps on trying to start it, giving an infinite loop (PID number
of this process keeps incrementing, it keeps on dying).  Right now I
forget the error message from fsck, I'll post it if you need it to give me
some pertinent info.

A knowledgeable sys admin friend of mine says I have a bad sector and
I need to run some other recovery Linux recovery tool to fix and recover
from this.  He says there is a tool like this for Ultrix, for
example.  Anyone know what I need to run/do?  Sorry for my general

Many TIA.  I know this isn't the right group, but I saw the opportunity
and seized it.

                                Clemmitt Sigler
                                Va. Tech Physics Dept.
No .signature file is a good .signature file

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