Here you go, my /etc/profile file.  Not the cool thing I do with
xterms.  I put the current directory in the Xterm title bar.  Anyway, I
hope this helps.

Erik B. Andersen         Web: 
2485 South State St.     email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Springville, Ut 84663    phone:  (801) 489-1231
--This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).

export PATH

### Primary prompt
#export PS1="`hostname`% "
#export PS1="\[\033[32;40m\]\h:\u\wi:% "

if [ $TERM = 'xterm' ] ; then
        export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;"[EMAIL PROTECTED]:`pwd`"\007"'
        export PS1="[EMAIL PROTECTED] "

### Secondary prompt
export PS2="> "

### Prompt 3
export PS3="#? "

### Prompt 4
export PS4="+"

### Commandline
#set -o vi
export PAGER='/usr/bin/less'
export EDITOR='/usr/bin/X11/nedit'

eval `dircolors -b` # set up color-ls variables

alias ps='ps -acux '
alias af='ps -af'
alias cls='clear'
alias fortune='fortune -a'
alias newest="finger"
alias ll='/bin/ls --color=auto -laF'
alias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto -xF'
alias sh='bash'
alias wine='wine -managed'
### System limits
ulimit -f 8192
ulimit -c unlimited
umask 022

stty erase ^H

cmp -s /etc/motd /dev/null
echo "";fortune;echo ""        # prints a witty addage at login   

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