
On Thu, 10 Oct 1996, Jon Lewis wrote:

> > > Anyone use it? Is it worth to buy it?
> I've not gotten an 825 yet, but I have around a dozen 810's in use.
> They've become the standard FDT SCSI card.  At about $59 each, they're
> hard to pass up.  I'd get the 825 if you want fast-wide on a budget, or a
> BT-958 if you're not.  I'd pass on the Adaptec since they seem to be less
> cooperative about releasing programming info and the 29xx driver seems
> to have been slow to stabilize because of this (I assume).
Would you say the Buslogic is better due to higher cost? I've always 
heard good things about the NCR controllers relative to Linux, but does 
the fact that they are _much_ cheaper than the BT or Adaptec mean they 
are poor performers? Has anyone made any comparisons?


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