On Thu, 24 Oct 1996, Pete Harlan wrote:

> Daniel Stringfield says he's using dcon scripting to connect to his
> isp, and that he's using locking in pppd, and that everyone uses
> ttyS3, and that the locks are in the right place, and...
> > Actually, MGETTY isn't the one having the problems, its the program I use
> > to log into my ISP.
> > 
> > I use DCON scripting, not 'chat'...
> > It adds some cool features...
> > 
> > It can't open the port when I have mgetty running on that same port.
> Then you're not configuring it right.  I just downloaded it and
> configured it (see how dedicated I am? :) and it 'worked' with mgetty.
I've never seen DCON in my life, to tell you the truth. As far as a
package.  Someone gave me the script, and the dcon binary, and said, here
run this...
I've been running the DCON for quite some time now... and I suppose its
very outdated.
I ought to slap the guy that gave it to me....

> NB: If you want to use dcon (and I see no reason why you would;
> really, guy, rethink that decision!), you should manually write your
> lock using dcon's icky language and tell pppd *not* to use a lock
> (because dcon already locked it: pppd's lock attempt will fail).
> Don't worry about removing the lock when you're done; mgetty will
> eagerly do that for you.
The only reason why I have been using it, is because it does automatic
redial.  Believe me, with my ISP, its a much needed feature..
And not to mention that I've been running it for a long time.  (Before I
ran debian, in fact)

> I'd be happy to show you my configurations for dcon, pppd, and
> mgetty.  More to the point, I'd be happy to show you my script for
> 'chat' :)
That'll work:)
But I really want automatic redial.  I haven't used chat in so long.. I
dunno if you can do that or not... these days..

All in all, its been one of those 'it works, don't change it' things...:)

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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