Alexandre Lebrun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I tried LyX and sometimes run Netscape, and they show the same problem :
>when trying to erase a character with backspace, the current character is 
>erased instead of the preceding. ( just as DEL does in a Microsoft 
>environment). It's very disturbing, and other apps don't have this 
>problem (they treat both DEL and Backspace as 'backspace' ).
>Is there a cure ?

I cured this for all my apps by running the following in .xinitrc

  xmodmap -e "Keysym Delete = Backspace"

This is off the top of my head (if only we had a real OS in the office
:-( ), so you may have to check out the man page for xmodmap. If it
doesn't work first time, trying swapping the words 'Delete' and

Casper Boden-Cummins,

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