Hello all,

        people here are having very serious problems with both g77 and
f2c: the numbers which come out at the end are different from any
other architecture we can lay our hands on, i.e. they have declared
the boxes unfit for numerical calculations.

        This is a pretty major problem because the whole idea of
getting Linux on fast PCs was to offload the main Unix boxes from
jobs. Now the question is: am I the only one seeing this problem or is
this a known problem which somehow doesn't make it on the READMEs and
FAQs? I'd like to point out that where g77 is in alpha stage, f2c
isn't and on other architectures is happily used and gives numerically
consistent results with the native Fortran compilers.

        I would greatly appreciate any information or patches. A bug
report is in the process of being prepared for both the g77 developers
and the f2c developers. Incidentally, should I send a bug report to
the Debian developers too?



Arrigo Triulzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ma.ic.ac.uk/~agbt
Mathematics Dept. Imperial College of Science & Technology - London - UK

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