Jim asked about GnuStep;  Well-- a complete set of GnuStep packages have been 
built by Karl Sackett and are awaiting my work on gcc [an attempt to fix a 
crasher in the optimizer that causes the base GnuStep library to NOT be built 
with optimization-- UGH!] before release.

Now that I have an answer on the libc front (ie; 1.2 will ship with 5.4.7), I'm 
going to reboot to Linux and produce 'official' 5.4.7 compliant GCC + 
GnuStep Threading Patches in short order.  

BTW:  For now, I'm using the built in MIT_POSIX_THREADS.  Who is maintaining 
LinuxThreads-- it seems like a superior package and I would like to move to it 
as soon as possible...

BUT:  If I move to using LinuxThreads, gcc will DEPEND on the LinuxThreads 
package.  Does that offend anyone?

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