> On Fri, 15 Nov 1996, Stephen Fuqua wrote:
> [snip]
> > Will I be able to get lilo to boot off the 1gig drive when I 
> > make a root partition smaller than 1023 cylinders?  Can I be 
> > pretty sure that I can at least boot the thing with a floppy? 
> I'm pretty sure you can do either and it will work. Even easier: make a
> small (10Megs, say) partition for /boot, making sure it is below the 1023
> cylinder boundary. You then put your kernels there and lilo will be able
> to find them. Works like a charm for me.

Is this < 1024 cylinders only an issue if you don't have LBA mode?
Today I installed Debian 1.1.14 on a 486 machine with LBA,
with a 1.08gb Quantum drive. The root partition is about 600mb,
which exceeds the 1024 cylinder limit. I couldn't see any problem
with this?


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