I'm trying to mirror the entire debian tree.  
When I do a:
mirror -d -gmaster.debian.org:/pub/Linux/Debian/*  It works. But...
When I do a:
mirror -d -RDebian /etc/mirror/packages/master.debian.org  I get:
package=Debian master.debian.org:/pub/Linux/Debian -> /debian
Scanning local directory /debian
Scanning remote directory /pub/Linux/Debian
Cannot change to remote directory (/pub/Linux/Debian/Incoming/DONE)
because: 550 /pub/Linux/Debian/Incoming/DONE: Permission denied.
Cannot get remote directory details (/pub/Linux/Debian)
disconnecting from master.debian.org

All done, Exiting

Any clues?

                              Daniel Stringfield  
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.jax-inter.net/users/servo
    Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!
# Example parameter file for the Debian GNU/Linux "mirror" package
# This serves as an illustration for a valid mirror parameter file. See the
# man page mirror(1) and the files in /usr/doc/mirror/examples/* for details.
# You can use this as a starting point for a local mirror of parts of the
# Debian distribution. As an example, it is set up to ignore non-i386 
# architecture, sources, msdos-8.3-named files, the mailing list archives
# as well as the WebPages for www.debian.org. It will take up around 200 MB.
# It worked for me when I wrote it, but it might fail for you. No warranties 
# whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
# Written by Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        comment=Mirror master.debian.org/pub/Linux/Debian
        # specify remote host and directory
        # specify local directory
        # inform this user about results
        # compress these files (see perlre(1) for regular expressions)
        # exclude these files or directories 
        # see "man perlre" for information on perl's regular expressions
        # preserve these files or directories (see perlre(1) for reg. expr.)
        # do not delete if more than 20% of all files would vanish
        # this speeds up the construction of the remote ls-lR by pruning

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