Hi all, 

  I'd like to summarize my experience for future newbies like me.

On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Alberto Brizio wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have an old 386DX40 with 8MB and a CyCDROM 520ie. I've looked at
> > the CDROM-Howto and it appears that I've to use the aztcd driver to
> > make the CD work.
> > So, when installing Debian 1.1, I need a special kernel onto the boot
> > disk or it's enough to reply at boot "linux aztcd=0x170"?
> Nope, all you need to do is during the installation process, it will
> prompt you for what modules to load, just go select the aztcd module, and
> off you go.

Sorry but this doesn't work, see below

> > If yes, which one?
> > I need to pass also infos about my sound card (an OPTi 82C929
> > based one, known as MAD16-SoundStorm) to make the CD driver work
> > properly (it's hooked to the SoundCard IDE port)?
> You do not need to have the sound card drivers loaded.  The IDE port will
> function with out it.  I do not know of a boot time loadable module is
> available for the MAD16 or not, because of problems with sound drivers as
> modules. You'll have to compile your own kernel for that.

Here is the problem, the Sound Card. For the aztcd driver to work, it
that the IDE port of the Sound Card be initialized, so the best way I've
found (many thanks to Prof. Zimmermann) is to use loadlin after booting
DOS setting up the Sound Card IDE controller this way. 
This could be a topic of the particular kind of CD-SC setting, so it may 
not work if in other situations, but I think it is worth to know about
> > Thanks in advance.
> Your welcome.  Good luck with endeavor.
> --
>                               Daniel Stringfield
>        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.jax-inter.net/users/servo
>     Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!

If somebody wants more details, please contact me.

Alberto Brizio  CSTV - CNR  Str. delle Cacce, 91 - Torino 
                Tel.: +39 11 3919 242
                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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