On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

> Hello,
> I used to run pine under an xterm or rxvt while using fvwm and I had full
> cut/paste support (I mean, I could copy from the pine screen and paste 
> into any other X-application and viceversa). Now that I am using fvwm2 the
> pine screen ignores the cut/paste events even though they work fine on the
> xterm and rxvt screens (other than pine). Can somebody give an idea on how
> to fix this?

If you have the "enable-mouse-in-xterm" box checked cut & paste no longer
works. I don't know if that is what you have done, but that tripped me up
for a while.
> In a separate issue, I liked the little virtual (sticky) desktop that used
> to show up in my screen allowing me to navigate from one virtual desktop 
> to another by just clicking the appropriate rectangle. How do I enable
> this in fvwm2?

Module FvwmPager. Read the FvwmPager man page for details
> Thank you for your info,
> Pedro Ivan
> ----------

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