I have sound (3.5.5-beta1) compiled as a module, this works
and is auto-loaded when required to play midi files with
midi player progs (or insmod sound) but gives an error - 

Sequencer Error: Unable to open Midi #0
write /dev/sequencer: Device or resource busy

when trying to play another file without either waiting for auto-clean
or manually doing a `rmmod sound', then the device may be used again.

This seems to only apply to the midi driver, mod files can be played OK.
I have have checked dma.c and the numbers are as the Sound-HOWTO
for using drq 0.

fuser -v /dev/sequencer gives no output
fuser -v /dev/midi0 gives no output

top shows nothing running that needs the sequencer.
Compiling sound in the kernel gives same results.
Is this normal behaviour ?
or am I doing something stupid agin :-)

Using Debian 1.1 with 2.0.6 Kernel.

Is this the type of question that may be asked here ?
if not I apologize,  

Thanks Neil, 

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