On Mon, 2 Dec 1996, GREENE  KENNETH ADAM wrote:

> I was wondering about Linux and the Cyrix/IBM 6x86
> (specifically P120).  Does Linux support it

I am running Debian GNU/Linux on an Cyrix/IBM P-150+ and it runs like a
charm. No problems (yet). I am sporadically running maybe an hour a day
for three or four months now. X works as well.

> I know some video games don't support 
> the chip (or the chip doesn't support them |->). 

What?! Could you please post me more info about this.
Which ones? I know Quake runs a little bit slower on Cyrixes because of
the slower fpu (but still a lot faster per dollar than the pentium!!),
and NT 4 has somewhat degraded performance which can be fixed with a
patch. But so far (until now :) ) I haven't heard of *anything* that
doesn't run at all on a Cyrix.

> If it is supported, does everything run OK.

AFAIK yes. I have seen some Cyrix kernel patches (on the Linux v2 info
HQ), but I don't know what they actually do as I haven't tried them.
There is also some programs which can view some Cyrix-specific registers
but I haven't looked at them since I don't understand its uses.

  // Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2:201/262.37]

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