I have a BBS that runs in dos but can access POP3 and SMTP mail.  I would
like this BBS to receive email as a sub-domain of my server.  IE.

wormhole.hackers-net.com        # The BBS.
adam.hackers-net.com    # My linux machine

However, the BBS is not connected all the time.  I need to have 'adam'
receive the mail, but hold it in a user's mail box(wormhole) for transfer
when the BBS connects.

Can anybody help?  If this is not the place, then could you tell me what
newsgroups might help in this area?

Adam Heath

ps.  The BBS is MS-DOS based, running 2 lines with DOSEMU, and incoming AND
outgoing 2 line telnet, with support for RIPTERM, ZMODEM, whatever.  The
BBS thinks it is talking to a modem the entire time(through a FOSSIL).

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