"Lord Of The CLUTZ's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was wondering, when I installed debian it installed getty (or so I thought)
> however when I do "man getty" it gives me the man page for agetty, I would 
> prefer to have getty, because it does a clear screen after logout, I prefer 
> that better... any Idea what I can do? or where I can get a copy of the real 
> getty that is debianized?

The version of getty we use by default is agetty.  Sorry if that isn't
more clear.  If you want getty to clear the screen before its prompt,
just do this:

tput clear > /tmp/x
cat /tmp/issue >> /tmp/x
mv /tmp/x /tmp/issue

See man pages for issue(5), getty(1), tput(1) for more details.


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