On Wed, 11 Dec 1996, CoB SysAdmin wrote:

> I've got four modems that people can use to dial into my linux machine.
> I keep the standard defaults in a file called "options.std.dialin", and
> then I've got four files that merely read like so:
> It seems kinda silly that there's no way to have just one file that maps
> IP's to ttys.... rather than having to have a separate file for each
> one.
> Anybody had any success with any alternatives?

YES!  I haven't used it in a while, (on the internet, nobody can dial in
;) )
BUT! it works great, and it won't allow multiple connections.  AND! If you
have a particular user that for some reason needs a permanant IP, it will
look for that user and give THAT user THE IP no matter what tty s/he's on.

You will have to modify what it tells you to do, but if you have questions
on how its modified (it took 2 seconds to mod it correctly, for me) fire
them at me!  

Its called isp-pppshells.

Its not even 3kb, so I attached it.

                              Daniel Stringfield  
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.jax-inter.net/users/servo
    Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!

Attachment: isp-pppshells.tar.gz
Description: PPP shells

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