>      The International Version of PGP is a slightly modified algorithm with
>      fewer bits.  Currently, it is illegal under the Data Encryption and
>      Privacy Act (modified) of 1995 to export encryption programs which use
>      56+ bits outside the United States.

The international version supports at least 1024 bits.  That is the
reason why the US government has been giving Phil Zimmerman (author
of PGP) a hard time, though he recently won his court case.

>      There is, of course, a workaround to get superior encryption with the
>      Internation versions (not only of pgp, but RSA and DES as well). Make
>      3 keys and do the following:
>      1) encrypt with key 1
>      2) decrypt with key 2
>      3) encrypt with key 3

I'm not sure about PGP, but DES actually gets _weaker_ if encrypted with
two keys.  Three keys does make it much stronger, though, as you say.
                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
if you have a 50% chance of guessing right,you will guess wrong 75% of the time

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