On Fri, 13 Dec 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

> i've had the dubious pleasure of running into the same problem on
> a variety of machines (mainly because the hardware supplier seems
> completely unable to provide the same motherboards in each new batch of
> machines).  486 motherboards are starting to be hard to get...a shame,
> 486s or amd 586s are perfectly suited to what i'm builing these boxes
> for (dialin servers for staff & students at various schools)...Pentium
> would be overkill and significantly more expensive.
> There have been a few pentium boxes.  award bios.
> The 6 most recent boxes (5 built and installed on site since monday - a
> busy week!) have all been AMD 586-133 machines.  Some with Award bios,
> some with Phoenix bios, and some with the bletcherous AMI graphical
> bios.  All motherboards have been PCI.  Some Plug'n'Pray.  
> MBR hasn't worked on *any* of them.
> In other words there is such a complete failure to work on any of the
> machine I've tried it on that I must admit to being a little surprised that
> MBR works for anyone.  But, nobody else seems to be reporting any problems
> with it so it must be something i'm doing.
> I remember that MBR used to work on the first debian 0.97 or was it 1.1 
> machines that I built.  I suspect it may be the Maximise partition option
> in cfdisk.  Partly because it's the only thing i can think of which might
> be doing weird things to the partition table and partly because i 
> remember that i used to use normal fdisk which didn't have that
> option.  I'll try it without this in a few days.

If you want a consistant supply of hardware, WE can do it. :)
I work for SOAR Technology.  We only deal with two motherboards for
486's... (each from two different distributors, both local to us.)
One is a vesa local. and the other is pci.  (vesa hard to get)
We love the AMD cpu's..  

about 95 bucks a piece for the pci boards.  :)
Quantity pricing is available.

Anyway, it might just be the maximise..  I ran a maximized partition on a
system with MBR, with version .99 of debian, that I upgraded to 1.1.?
so.. hmm.. 
I sold that system though... (it was a nameserver on my network, and
didn't really want it because it was slow.) :)

I'm going to install a p133 server with debian 1.2 in a day or so.
(deciding on what hard drive to through in it)

I'll try the MBR with maximise.

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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