In your email to me, Daniel Stringfield, you wrote:
> I bought a 2.5 gig (Western Digital) IDE hard drive.  It seems to be
> making weirdness happen on the machine its on.  (a pentium 133, 430vx
> motherboard, 16mb ram).  Whats happening on THIS machine is that the BIOS
> autodetects it, but "locks up" on boot.  If I disable hard drive in CMOS,
> boots ok, gets into Linux (the boot set from the 8'th) and sees the drive,
> but then says hdb-hdd "error resetting irq" or something similiar (from
> last night, after my car broke down, and was already in a bad mood, so I
> don't remember exactly)  those drives don't exist on my system, so didn't
> care about that. but when the Disks do anything to access the drive, the
> light turns on and I get messages saying something about an error on dev
> 03:00 i/o error and lots of messages about "blablabla error status" and it
> said either 30, or 50, and sometimes sayed 38 (or 58) don't remember..
> (Sorry!  I was very frustrated after the events of the night)
> I'm a computer tech myself, and personally think its either the controller
> on the drive itself, or its the IDE controller on the motherboard. (Which
> is going to really suck because I bought the motherboard from the last
> company I worked for who wants to charge me $25 for "cleaning" a keyboard
> that its logic board wasn't initializing correctly at boot, 1/10 boots.
> (It was UNDER WARRANTY).  sorry for ranting.. this has not been a good
> week.  

You may have one of the WD drives that need to be flashed with
new BIOS. You can get the info and programs off their web site
(if I remember right)...


  "Today is the tomorrow that yesterday you spent money like there was no"
   Ivern Ball
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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