At 01:03 PM 12/18/96 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi! I have the Debian Linux installed on my PC, but I want to know how 
>can I make a Telnet connection from a Windows 3.1 system to Linux. Where
can I 
>get the TCP/IP configuration for Windows and Linux.
>       I want to know what's the E-Mail address for me to send my questions to 
>the mailing list.

Are you up and running on the network with both systems?

If so, just 'telnet linux-ip-nr' should work.
If not, download a tcp/ip kit for windows.
Linux has one installed..

check the doc's for detailed info.

// Remco van de Meent
//  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//  www:
//      -- Never make any mistaeks --

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