On Sat, 21 Dec 1996, H. Manas wrote:

> A work-around would be to:
> - install gpm.

I have done that

>   - Make sure that In your '/etc/gpm.conf'
>     device=/dev/xxx  (xxx is the device name of your mouse I believe psmouse)
>     responsiveness=
>     type=ps2
>     append='-R'

Hey, I don't have that file, I can't find any mention either in the 
documentation. I have Debian-1.1.4 and gpm-Linux 1.06.
I do have gpm-root and /etc/gpm-root.conf. Is that what you meant? Because 
the man for gpm-root does mention the gpm-root.conf file.

> - check out that gpm is running and you can see the mouse cursor on your Linux
>   console (if not you have to work on your gpm config). you may start gpm by
>   typing as root '/etc/init.d/gpm start'

I found that doing /etc/init.d/gpm stop in a xterm just hangs until I 
ctrl-c or kill the gpm -k from another xterm (but then again, the gpm 
docs do hint at strange interference with X.)

> PS: this trick is drawn from the documentations of gpm package. Many thanks
>     goes to it's author Alessandro Rubini

What documentations did you see that I didn't? Hmm.. I don't have any 
source for gpm installed. Is that what I am missing? How do I get it in 



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