In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Pete Templin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi there.  Pete the perenial question-asker here.
>I'd like to look at the stuff for the nis package.  Will anything break if
>I do nothing more than install the nis debian package (i.e. is it a bad
>thing to install on a machine which I kinda depend on?)?  I hope to
>migrate to nis sometime this summer, and I'd like to look at it first.
>Thanks for the input!

It's probably harmless to install NIS on a machine in a network
that's doesn't have a NIS server. However don't put the +:: at the end
of your password and/or group files or you will have errors about not
being able to bind to the NIS server all over the place. Including
cron mailing you every _5_ minutes about it (though that might be fixed
in a recent libc5 package).

|  Miquel van Smoorenburg    | "Sticky tape is like the Force - it has a   |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  dark side, it has a light side, and it     |
| ----8<--------------8<---- |  holds the universe together" - Carl Zwanig |

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