Martin Konold writes:
> > > Thank heavens! 1.1 had terrible memory management. 1.2 (REX) is _much_ 
> > > better. 
> > 
> > The memory management issue mentioned here with 1.1 may explain some
> > slowness with my (1.1) machines. 
> I do not get the point! Memory management is the job of the kernel.
> How does it depend on the distribution?

Well, if you upgrade your system as a distribution, rather than piece-meal,
on-the-fly, method (via dftp), it sure does make sense that a "distribution"
influences memory management issues. I choose to wait until a stable
distribution has been declared and upgrade my entire system in one sitting.
That way, I _know_ that all the necessary packages have been upgraded. 
Unlike another gentleman on this list who upgraded the kernel, but did not 
upgrade the libc5 module and could not understand why his machine was slow. 8-)

-= Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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