At 11:11 PM 1/2/97 -0400, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
>What do you mean? If you can ping any host in the Internet then you have
>anything you want (FTP, Telnet, News, WWW, etc.) - unless you are
>behind a firewall or something.
>Any way, what's the specific problem?
        That *is* the specific problem.. I don't have ftp, telnet, tin,
lynx... anything BUT ping in /bin, oh and netstat :(  That's why I can't
connect to get more packages.  Am I SUPPOSED to get these on the 4 base
diskettes?  If so, then something is wrong with them, or for some ungodly
reason they just didn't install. 
        So, unless there is some way for me to get packages without being
able to ftp to the site, I am stuck.  The main reason I wanted to go to
Debian is so I could do just that and not have to download a bunch of
diskettes like Slackware.  Maybe I should have downloaded 1.1?  I was under
the assumption, from the docs, that 1.2 was the current release...



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