At 07:45 PM 1/2/97 -0800, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:
>If you did not get the ftp binary, then you did not get a complete base 
>system.  It's included.  Is your path okay?  I think ftp should be in 
        That's what I was thinking.  No, didn't get it... Do I have to
download the 4 base diskettes for a third time to get it, or is there
another disk that fixes this problem.  I have installed Debian with base
diskettes from the main site and a mirror.
        Path is fine, but I have no ftp in /usr/bin... or anywhere for that
matter.  I did a find / -name ftp -print and only came up with the entry in 
/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp which is a dir with some files and an executable
(setup?) that tries to run dpkg with ftp, but fails...
        I'm really starting to consider loading up 1.1 and NOT 1.2

Thanks for the reply,


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