On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, Xinbing Liu wrote:

> (2). tcsh doesn't work properly: I can't ftp into my computer from 
> another computer if my shell is tcsh (as specified in /etc/passwd).  It 
> gives me "user access denied".
> However, if I say csh in /etc/passwd, ftp works fine, even though the 
> shell is still tcsh (I didn't install csh, so csh defaults to tcsh, I 
> guess).  Very strange.

Read the man page on ftpd, or simply add /usr/bin/tcsh to /etc/shells (the
short answer to RTFM).  The ftpserver checks to see if you have a valid
shell before allowing you to log in.

Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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