I am currently considering the purchase of a colour inkjet printer, 
for text and graphics printing (including images from Photo-CD). I 
would be interested in experiences people have had in using them with 
Debian - the models I am currently interested in are the Epson Stylus 
500 and Stylus Pro and the HP 820CXi and 870CXi. I presume the main
issue is how well Ghostscript manages to drive the printers, and whether
all the driver options can be accessed without running under Windows.

Thanks for any comments,


Dr Kevin Scott
Cordless Communications Group
Philips Research Laboratories            Tel: +44 1293 815281
Cross Oak Lane, Redhill                  Fax: +44 1293 815000
Surrey  RH1 5HA, UK                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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