Kendrick Myatt wrote:
> Hi folks :) 2 quick questions...
> 1)        What is the best (easiest) way to get a PPP connection from my
> debian box to my isp via a modem?  Ideally I'd like for it to be like my
> Win95 box (stop throwing things!) and dial on demand when I need Internet,
> and redial if disconnected.  Is this possible?
>         I remember years ago getting ppp with pppd, but it did not have
> those features I would like, and I think it was hard to work with.  Surely
> there is something better now... Thanks in advance for any info! :)

I have one word for you: diald. diald is an excellent package which does 
exactly what you're describing. It will dial up a connection to your ISP
on demand and transparently. It very gracefully reconnect if the line is
dropped. If its configuration is a little complicated (and it isn't that
complicated) it is only because it allows very sophisticated
of how long to let the connection go idle based up what packets have
been sent. I have been using diald at my office for months and once you
it up you can forget about it. It just works. 

[ question I'm not going to field deleted ]

> Regards,
> Kendrick

Jens B. Jorgensen

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