> How is it possible to type accents in a mail msg. composed with pine?
> I saw no mention of 8bit composing in the man page, docs and config
> files.
  You must select a keyboard, that will give you accent shortcuts, to your
accented keys.  Your country must have a standard for this, if it isn't
provided than there should be some other standard close to yours.  This is
the most propriate way...  However, some programs provide alternative methods
to come at these keys, but these are only needed on systems that didn't
provide 8-bit support... Linux has full 8-bit support.

  Keyboard support tables, can be found in /usr/lib/kbd/keytables and there
isn't one with your country code.  You can take one that is close to your
country and copy  it to a suitable name to your country and edit it, like
a normal ascii file.  To afflict any changes you require.  And then use
loadkeys to load the keytable (see man for loadkeys).  If your not certain
how to do this, you can read some of the other keytables to see how its done,
or contact the maintainer for the 'kbd' package (or me), who will help you


Ørn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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