        I too also ran into this loop as described below.  Currently, I 
can't get any more packages selected because I have yet to find a clean 
exit out of the dependency loop. I didn't seem to have any problems until 
I downloaded the new package lists. I think I saw a reference in the 
debian-announce list that atleast one of the files had been revised.  
could this be the problem?
        On what may be a related question, I noticed that dselect does 
not recognize that you have a higher version of Tk installed, and so 
requires that you install an older version to get some software to run.  
It would seem that it should be checking to see that a newer version is 
already installed and so not require the older as well.  Is this 
indicating that: a) dselect does not check relative version numbers on 
packages like Tk where the version is attached to the name or b) this 
feature is not working correctly?    
                        Warren Overholt

> On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, Kendrick Myatt wrote:
> > when I use dselect to try and get kernel-package, i get into an infinite
> > loop with dependencies on packages perl and libc5.  I + them and they get *,
> > but when I enter, I go back to dependencies and there they are again, still
> > showing *!
> > 
> > I X'd back and tried again from start, chose ftp, looked at packages,
> > kernel-package was STILL selected, and I STILL got into the same boat when i
> > tried to continue.  Trying to purge those two packages was the bright idea I
> > had, but I soon realized I would have to remove most of my system once the
> > dependencies were ruled out :(
> > 

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