>   As soon as I visited the logo page, I found myself surrounded
>  with peguins and ducks: gkie, gkie, gkie!

Foul play!
>  Unless massive action is taken to avert this ominous development, the
>  official image of Debian to the world, will be... a child-care center. 
>  This is a call for the anti-penguin patriots to visit the logo page
>  and cast few ballots.

Personally, I hate the Penguins, except the ones that are the outline.  I
it looks more "professional" but still gives the hint of the

There is one by Adam Stanny that I do really like, because it has the
GNU/Linux and the red outline of the Penguin.  Some of the others he did
aren't too great though.  (I got to see them before the page went up,
since he's in the Jacksonville Linux Users Group)

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