Thanks to those that replied with a working answer.
bash$ at 10:30 <enter>
      cdplay   <enter>
      C-d       (I did at least know this much).

I was disappointed by the flood of RTFM, however.  I couldn't find an
example in the man pages, or Running Linux, or Unix in a Nutshell, where
the command actually did anything.  Just something like 
        'at now + 5 minute' 
without anything below.  I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought a debian
list would be different.  I'll return to lurk mode.

hmm.... does Red Hat have a mailing list or newsgroup?

On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Mike Miller wrote:
> I'm sure this is trivial, but can someone give me an example of an at
> command that works?
> I tried         at 10:30 cdplay
> It queued, and left the queue, but did not play.  Thinking it was a path
> problem, I tried
>                 at 10:30 /usr/bin/cdplay
> and got back    at: incomplete time
>       Thanks, 
>               Mike.

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