>       So, what else are the links good for? Most programs do not
>  (and should not) depend on kernel version specific api's; and the
>  handful that do should ask for and include -I/usr/src/linux anyway. 

Has anyone had any luck compiling (z)ftape 3.02 on debian, then?
I've tried, but it (reasonably) requires current kernel headers,
and despite adding the above to several Makefiles, it still
does not look in /usr/src/linux first.

Besides, the gcc manual page says: -I "Append directory <dir>
to the list of directories searched for include files.",
which implies that -I/usr/src/linux will be added to the
very end of the search path, after /usr/include; ie this will
really do nothing except for new (as opposed to updated)
kernel header files. It certainly does not work for me.


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