Oops.  Well I just accidentally dumped the mail I'm
responding to.  This is Re: not wanting to buy a Debian
CD or spend hours on the line downloading.  I saw that
there is a company selling Linux-on-a-drive advertising in
Linux Journal.  I think they were loading the drive with 
Debian 1.1.  But you do have to commit to buying a 1.1G
drive, so it comes out pretty pricy.  Good if you want to
upgrade your hd anyway.  I can look up their contact
if you don't subscribe to LJ; e-mail me.

It also occurred to me that I have a) a ready access to
a steady supply of small (150-300MB) used ide hard drives
at a good used price (approx 10 cents a meg) and b) a small
amount of free capitol and c) a linux-savvy friend who is 
job hunting and needs spending money. 

Would people be interested in helping said friend 
pay for his beer and pizza if he were distributing a base/ 
install plus i386 binary .deb files (updated nightly via 
dselect, of course) for something in the area of $35 
shipping included?  (I think that's about what it would 
work out to)

Some of the drives are pretty fast actually -- lotta
Quantums/some WD Caviars.  Would make a good swap device for 
older ISA/EISA bus PCs running the slow but ever-so-cheap
conner/seagate 1G drives and such.  Long as you aren't maxed
out on ide connections, that is.

Anyway I should probably check with my friend and see
if he's actually interested before I go pimping his services
on the Internet :-).  For that matter anyone else is very
welcome to implement the venture described above -- I
won't flame; it's just an end-of-the-workday idea.

Brian S. Julin

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