> properly.  Now I'm having a similar problem, except instead of not being
> loaded, it's being loaded every five minutes.  An excerpt from my messages

> Okay, now does anyone have a good idea as to how to suppress it?  :)

The three ways I see of surpressing it:
        1) Stop using IPX.  
        2) Insert the ipx module with insmod rather than kerneld.  This
          way it won't be removed and thus won't have to be loaded again.
        3) Compile IPX into your kernel.  Then the ipx module won't have
          to be loaded at all.

I'd recommend 2 as the best solution.  If there is some reason you can't
keep ipx loaded all the time, you can change the behaviour of kerneld
so that it takes more than 300 seconds to unload a module.  But then
ipx would stay loaded anyway, because the 300+ second timer would be
reset every 300 seconds.

                                - John Larkin   
                                - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                - http://aij.st.hmc.edu/~jlarkin

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