On 23 Feb 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

> I tried to install Debian on a friend's Thinkpad 365X, and it gets to
> the Loading.... stage and then locks up.  I've tried the
> "floppy=thinkpad" option at the boot prompt with no effect.
> I found someone else had asked about this on the list, and there was
> no definitive answer.  Also there were a number of questions on usenet
> about this.  The only solution mentioned was to use the Debian-1.1,
> Slackware, or RedHat boot disks, but I wanted to do an unstable
> install.  Any other ideas?

I had similar(?) problems with an install on my father's Thinkpad 560.  
The solution was to use 1.1 disks without the "floppy=thinkpad" option in 
this case, since the rescue disk simply reboots the laptop when it tries 
to load the kernel.  I heard something about bzImage being the problem on 
Toshiba laptops which had the same behavior with the rescue disk.  A 
solution could be to make a custom zImage which is largely stripped 
except for the minimum drivers you need.  Then, it might be small enough
for you to replace the bzImage with your custom zImage and try that.

However, if you use a 1.1 five-disk set, you can then upgrade with some 
care to 1.2 by say ftp method.  I'd start with a focus on dpkg and 
perl--they caused the problems in my case.  I started out with kernel 
2.0.7 and the associated pcmcia packages from a 1.1 cdrom I had that was
pressed last August.

Luck.  Syrus.

Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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